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SSCB Alphabet

Free colouring sheets

colouring pencil red
Bendy People SSCB
colouring pencil yellow
Bendy People Alphabet

Bendy People letters

Our unique 'Bendy People' letters & alphabet colouring sheets. Customise with your child's name using our specific SSCB Alphabet and free colouring sheets of each letter.

colouring pencil blue
Free colouring page with child's name
Custom child name colouring page

Rachel Stewart - Illustrator

Rachel has kindly created & donated each unique letter for Simpsons Special Care Babies charity to use. Having spent time in the unit Rachel wished to give something back.


We have developed our own font and will be bringing further customisable templates for you to use freely. Check back soon for more options.

You can learn more about Rachel and view her work at

colouring pencil green
SSCB Winging It! book

Win our Winging It! book

Email your Little Creation using the SSCB Alphabet Bendy People to us or share on social media for your chance to win a free copy of Winging It!


Email us (subject: Little Creations) or tag us with #SimpsonsBabies #LittleCreations


Download & customise your child's name using the SSCB Alphabet Colouring Sheets


Bendy character colouring sheets



0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9



A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L. M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 


Customise Child's Name

(*Please use the free Adobe Reader to personalise template)


Letters: 3-5  5-6  6-7  7-8  8-9  9-10


colouring pencil yellow
Colouring Sheets
Bendy People SSCB
Bendy People Alphabet
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