How We Help
Our Core Values
The role of Simpsons Special Care Babies Charity is to support the Neonatal Unit in a variety of different ways, depending on the situational need at any given time. This support generally, but not exclusively, covers the following categories.
Professor Ben Stenson
Neonatal Unit Liaison
"It is impossible to understate the value of the support that our service receives from SSCB. It enables us to aspire to excellence in all our activities. Being able to purchase the most up to date equipment promptly makes a big difference to our ability to deliver advanced care.
We also think that our most important equipment is our staff. Investing in their expertise brings lasting changes to the quality of care. Research funding advances our knowledge and trains the next generation of specialists to join our team and keep us strong. Every donation, large or small, makes a difference to what we can achieve. Thank you SSCB."
Dr Julie-Clare Becher
Consultant Neonatologist
"The new cerebral function monitor provided by SSCB shows us when babies are having seizures, and whether or not their brains are showing signs of improvement. This machine gives us state of the art accurate, information which allows us to provide the highest quality care. Thank you SSCB."
Julie Cleary
Transport team
"Neonatal transport road trolley: The purchase of the Transporter 2 trolley along with monitoring and infusion devices allows us to provide best evidenced intensive care to babies requiring transport. In particular, the purchase of the Fabian HFO ventilator allows us to provide all modes of ventilation, including high flow nasal cannula and high frequency oscillation, both of which were not available on our previous road transport kit."
Clare Russell
Transport team
"Cerebral function monitor: The Unique CFM device allows us to monitor the brainwave activity of babies at referring centres and on neonatal transport. This additional information can be very useful in guiding treatment, such as the use of anti-seizure medicine and the use of therapeutic hypothermia (cooling)."
Lyndsey Stewart
Transport team
"Tecotherm: This servo-controlled therapeutic hypothermia (cooling) kit will replace our previously used Criticool device. Because of it’s smaller size, when fitted onto our transport trolley it will allow us to provide servo-controlled cooling treatment in any type of ambulance."
Dr Gopi Menon
"Simpson Special Care Babies funded the purchase of Bayley developmental assessment equipment and the training of personnel in using it. Bayley assessment is considered the gold standard in assessing babies born premature and is now used routinely in this group allowing detailed assessment of the children and providing data for audit of our service."
Lynne Kerr
Clinical Nurse Manager
"The Neonatal Unit is privileged to have the support of SSCB. Their dedication and commitment to enhancing the care provided to the babies and their families is so appreciated. We work closely with the charity to ensure that all donations are put to the best possible use. SSCB share our aim of providing the highest quality, family-centred care and help us achieve this by purchasing specialist equipment, supporting staff development as well as funding research. We are very grateful to everyone involved, some of whom do the most amazing things to raise funds for the charity – SSCB really do make a difference."
Dr Vix Monnelly
Consultant Neonatologist
"The introduction of vCreate in our neonatal unit has been instrumental in family centred care and none of us can envisage ever going back to life without vCreate. Personally, I love vCreate because it brings a little bit of joy to our families on a daily basis and allows them to experience and witness their baby’s precious moments, even when they cannot physically be there. We must not underestimate the impact that these videos have for parents and for siblings and the wider family. We are constantly thinking about innovative ways we can use this technology more to benefit our babies and further promote family-centred care."