WPD | 1lluminate Me | Go Purp1e | 1in10 | Share
Share your pics of World Prematurity Day
On World Prematurity Day, 17th November, you could help us to raise awareness, celebrate and remember them by wearing purple
Share your pics
Share your pictures or special memory on social media and tag @sscbcharity, using #PrematurityAwarenessMonth #WorldPrematurityDay #1in10babies asking your friends and family to donate to SSCB.
Messages for your social channels
Illuminating your building
Did you know that #1in10babies is born prematurely? Today is #WorldPrematurityDay and this evening we'll be proudly lighting up purple to help raise awareness @sscbcharity. You can find out more SSCB charity
Little helpers create BIG!
Our little helpers have been creating BIG things in supporting small babies born too soon #PrematurityAwarenessMonth #1in10babies @sscbcharity. You can find out more SSCB charity
Go Purple
We are celebrating #WorldPrematurityDay by going purple for #1in10babies by supporting @sscbcharity. You can find out more SSCB charity
WPD | 1lluminate Me | Go Purp1e | 1in10 | Share
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