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Ferne was born in late December 2017 at 7lbs 1oz. She was well for 5 hours after I had her and my family had come to meet her. She was then rushed away whilst I was in the shower - the most traumatic moment of my life.

Ferne was diagnosed with Group B Strep and we stayed in the Simpson’s Neonatal unit for 11 days where she had lots of antibiotics as well as other treatments.

I am so thankful that the unit allowed me to stay in whilst she was in. I couldn’t have imagined leaving the hospital without her. The staff in the unit were truly phenomenal. They not only nursed my baby but also cared for me and my partner.

I owe them everything for taking care of my daughter and getting her to a stage where we could take our little Ferne home safely. She is the light of our lives and we will be eternally grateful.


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