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March 2019, my precious little man Noah was born at 23 weeks exactly weighing 1lb 4oz. Noah was due in June, and born early March. When Noah was first born, there was so many things wrong with him. He had Chronic lung disease and Necrotizing enterocolitis. We had to make so many choices for Noah as there were a few times that the nurses and doctors didn’t think he would make it.

Noah has had 10 operations in total, and spent five and a half months in the neonatal unit and then four months at the Edinburgh Sick Kids hospital.

The doctors and nurses at Simpson’s neonatal are amazing at what they do and they really have magic hands! After nine months fighting for his life, Noah is finally home. He is on oxygen and a feeding tube to help him. He’s a true warrior.

To all the other NICU parents out there who are struggling, these little ones come into the world fighting. They are so strong, and make us stronger for knowing them. In a way, being a NICU parent is a truly amazing gift. It gives you a perspective that others who have not been in your shoes cannot understand and teaches you to appreciate the littlest of things. You will watch in awe and amazement as your child grows and that child and all they have overcome will give you hope, strength and courage to be the best possible parent you can be.


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