We have been a bit quiet on the website front again but that doesn't mean we have been quiet as a charity. We have been busy since October with our Christmas card sales which I am happy to say have gone well again this year. So I must say a big thank you to all our supporters who have bought cards from us this year, many of you repeat customers which we really appreciate.
We have had lots of fantastic fundraisers organising events and we are as ever overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness and generosity of them. Many thanks to everyone who has organised events, raised funds or donated to us in any shape or form in 2017.
We attended the babies Christmas Party in Colinton at the start of December. While it was not an "official" SSCB event event, it was organised by our Chairperson Lee Picken, and some of our committee went along to support them. Lee and her family were so organised and very much did the lions share of the work on the day, leaving us little to do other than look after our merchandise stall.
Lastly we have begun the not-so-easy task of redesigning our website! It has looked like this for a long time, since it launched in 2003, and we aim to have a fresh design up and running in the first quarter of 2018. It is all dependant on our time as one of our new committee members is taking on the task of the rebuild, fitting it around his day-job. Watch this space!
Lastly, on behalf of our committee, I would just like to say have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.