We all have our own special stories and if you would like to share your story please do get in touch and we will look to post as many of these as possible on 17th November 2018 to mark World Prematurity Day.
Photos to support your story are particularly welcomed as long as you are comfortable for them to be included on the website.
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Learn more on our World Prematurity Awareness Month and World Prematurity Day campaign with further prematurity statistics throughout November.

Statistics to help increase awareness of the issues surrounding premature births
An estimated 15 million preterm babies are born each year globally. In the UK, around 60,000 babies are born preterm which accounts for approx 8% of all births.
A preterm baby is one which is born before 37 weeks completed pregnancy and the World Health Organisation categories preterm babies as follows; extremely preterm - less than 28 weeks, very preterm - 28 to 32 weeks and moderate to late preterm - 32 to 37 weeks.
The UK's smallest baby Alaiyah Hart weighed just 12 ounces when she was born and survived.
There is a dramatic difference in survival of premature babies depending on where they are born. For example, more than 90% of extremely preterm babies (less than 28 weeks) born in low-income countries die within the first few days of life; yet less than 10% of extremely preterm babies die in high-income countries.
There are many factors which may result in a baby being born preterm. Associated factors include, but are not just limited to - the age of the mother (often the very young or over 35 years of age), whether its a multiple birth, if the mother is a smoker, poor nutrition before and during pregnancy, whether the mother has had a prior preterm birth, certain medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure etc. The reality in some cases is however that there is no known reason.
Preterm babies often require additional support to help their organs develop. They may be taken to an incubator to help control their temperature, they may require some support to help them breath, and to feed.
Preterm babies who need to stay in hospital are often able to go home by their due date. There are however always exceptions and those babies that require some additional care beyond their due date.
Its really important for parents to bond with their babies when in a neonatal unit. Talking to your baby and skin to skin contact is encouraged by neonatal staff and brings comfort to both baby and parent.
Parents are encouraged to help care for their baby when in a neonatal unit whether this is feeding them, changing their nappy, dressing them for the day.
Breast milk is particularly important for premature babies where the mother is able to express or feed their baby due to the leukocytes and antibodies in breast milk which protect babies from infection. For mothers who are unable to produce breast milk or choose not to breast feed their baby, donor breast milk is now commonly available.
Studies show that talking to your premature baby not only comforts them but can help with their neurological development, and can improve their educational achievements in later years.
It costs the NHS in excess of £1,000 per day to look after a baby who requires intensive care in a neonatal unit.
Having a baby is expensive, having a premature baby is even more so. A prior survey by Bliss indicates that parents with a baby in neonatal care spend on average £282 per week on food, drinks and parking.
Most neonatal units provide 24 hour access for parents with a baby requiring intensive care.
In 2017 the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh admitted 946 babies into the special care baby unit. This number includes babies born in the ERI and transferred from other hospitals around the country.
A preterm baby is looked after a team of medical professionals including specialist nurses. It can take up to six years to become a fully qualified neonatal nurse.
For the first two years of their lives preterm babies have two special ages, their ‘birth age’ based on the day they were born and their ‘corrected age’ which is based on their due date.
Due to their tiny size and medical needs preterm babies often don’t wear any clothes for the first few weeks or months of their lives.
All babies born before 32 weeks or weight less than 1.5kg in Edinburgh will receive follow up care for two years after their due date. This care focusses on a baby’s movement, development and medical needs.
View our World Prematurity Awareness Month and World Prematurity Day campaign with further prematurity statistics throughout November.